- November 5, 1891 town meeting at courthouse for the organization of a fire department. It was approved, they elected S.A. Hoon the 1st fire chief.
- Started with 2 companies Hose company, Hook and Ladder company
- November 10, 1891 Purchased 800FT of hose and a cart
- November 17, 1891 Constitution was read and adopted
- December 9, 1891 1st application for membership it laid over till next meeting
- December 30 or 31,1891 1st annual firemen's ball admission 35¢
- January 12, 1892 1st real elections with formal ballot and majority vote wins. Also set Treasures’ wages for $20 per year
- January 19, 1892 Chief S.A. Hoon attended Nebraska State Volunteer Fire Association in Fremont
- September 8, 1893 approved bell purchase
- December 19, 1893 Special meeting to ring the bell at 12:30PM if satisfied pay the bill of $151.90 and $8.75 for shipping from Buckeye Bell Foundry in Cincinnati.
- May 25, 1916 borrowed $800 for new chemical wagon only 4 people could ride
- July 10, 1917 installed electric gong for bell
- Fire Hall was located at 13th and L on main street
- April 4, 1921 spec for new truck nothing less than 2 ton truck to be purchased
- October 1, 1929 purchased a 3 tank chemical mounted on a 1 ½ Model AA Ford truck
- September 22, 1931 the association decided to wear red coats to state convention. They purchased 43 coats with Tekamah Fire Association on the back in white letters
- February 22, 1932 they wore the red coats to the annual fireman’s ball
- April 19, 1932 bought a new chassis Ford model A Truck chassis for pumper
- January 10, 1933 there was an amendment to constitution and bylaws that any member who ask for certificates after serving 15 consecutive years and is granted same shamed be carried on rolls honorary members.
- January 29, 1941 Annual banquet invitations extended to 2 members of Blair fire association, 2 members from Herman, 2 members from Craig, 2 members from Oakland, and 2 members from Decatur
- March 11, 1941 First President and Vice President were established
- April 7, 1942 as many members as possible to take Red Cross first aid coarse
- July 1942 first aid kits were put on fire trucks
- January 7, 1947 demonstration on Scott air pack, we bought 2 masks and extra cylinders
- September 3, 1952 special meeting for Iron Lung and respirator needs. The association bought Iron lung and donated it to Children's Hospital. The respirator was kept in Tekamah.
- October 7, 1952 1st Rescue captain was John Beavers and Co Captain was Carl Schroeder
- October 1954 Carl taught/set up class on Red Cross aid
- October 1954 had 1st and 2nd assistant chief established
- 1969 moved to the current location
- Firemen were able to reclaim the brass bell that once belonged to them. A nearly century-old bell which summoned volunteers in Tekamah during the early years was left in the old fire hall and was sold.